From George Rolphs Facebook Page
George Rolph shared a link. 6 hours ago
OK...For those of you who witnessed the sick attacks on me started here
on FB by two women and a man because I refused to toe the political line and
grovel to the totalitarian lefties, you will recognise the comments on the page
below as more of the same.
As you read (If you do )what these psycho's have to say and get a measure of their character, think about WHY they are sitting on a local paper news site ready and waiting to make comments like this and keep in mind, this is a seperate group from those who attacked me here on FB. What is more, the group on this site began their attacks on me BEFORE the psyco's here on FB started. The aims of both attacks are of course, the same: to intimidate potential supporters into keeping silent. Ruin any local support base if possible and to ridicule my protest.
I don't know about you but I LOVE scaring the bully boys and girls. It makes my day.
The smart among you will begin to smell a very smelly political rat, and the very smart among you will know this has nothing to do with the 'right wing' bogeyman stories the left loves to feed everybody. There is virtually no right wing left in this country. Cameron, Boris Johnson, Theresa May all of them, are a bunch of lefties dressed in Tory clothes.
But then, you knew that....Right?
Anyway. My thanks go out to Patrick, the Journalist at the local NewsShppper for keeping the story alive and for being so kind.
Oh and by the way....the photos the NewsShopper are using are part of a batch taken at the START of my protest. A lot of weight has been shed since then.
Oh and one more thing.
I am interested in finding local monitors who would be prepared to come in at least twice a week and monitor progress of my next hunger strike. That will include weighing me (In my pants if you can stand it), taking any pictures of me they wish (Not in my pants!) and having free reign of the house to look for 'hidden food stores' as one of my enemies claimed must be here because I was, 'too lucid' to be on a hunger strike. What I DO NOT naggers telling me to give up....Do that and as Alan Sugar likes to say, "Your'e Fired!"
OK. Thanks everyone.
As you read (If you do )what these psycho's have to say and get a measure of their character, think about WHY they are sitting on a local paper news site ready and waiting to make comments like this and keep in mind, this is a seperate group from those who attacked me here on FB. What is more, the group on this site began their attacks on me BEFORE the psyco's here on FB started. The aims of both attacks are of course, the same: to intimidate potential supporters into keeping silent. Ruin any local support base if possible and to ridicule my protest.
I don't know about you but I LOVE scaring the bully boys and girls. It makes my day.
The smart among you will begin to smell a very smelly political rat, and the very smart among you will know this has nothing to do with the 'right wing' bogeyman stories the left loves to feed everybody. There is virtually no right wing left in this country. Cameron, Boris Johnson, Theresa May all of them, are a bunch of lefties dressed in Tory clothes.
But then, you knew that....Right?
Anyway. My thanks go out to Patrick, the Journalist at the local NewsShppper for keeping the story alive and for being so kind.
Oh and by the way....the photos the NewsShopper are using are part of a batch taken at the START of my protest. A lot of weight has been shed since then.
Oh and one more thing.
I am interested in finding local monitors who would be prepared to come in at least twice a week and monitor progress of my next hunger strike. That will include weighing me (In my pants if you can stand it), taking any pictures of me they wish (Not in my pants!) and having free reign of the house to look for 'hidden food stores' as one of my enemies claimed must be here because I was, 'too lucid' to be on a hunger strike. What I DO NOT naggers telling me to give up....Do that and as Alan Sugar likes to say, "Your'e Fired!"
OK. Thanks everyone.
In response
Everything George wrote about the vile attack on him
is true. The difference is he believes it to be the work of 'lefties'
In my opinion it is more likely be the work of
people interested in making money out of the misery of others. They get an
audience, lay a scene then play it out. Of course innocent bystanders get
sucked into the momentum and those making the money act as 'agent provocateurs'
Politics didn't come into it. In my opinion the fact
that many of the players are involved in market networking.
One of the people involved from ATOS MIRACLES group,
Scar Sugarplum/ Bernadette Del Aquila/ phone pest as identified in my previous article
Five look at Atos Miracles and Welfare News Service.
You have to be asking yourself who these people are
and why would they behave so appallingly.
Who actually
is Welfare News Service?
We can only
see who the guest bloggers are. No names or addresses of an
organisation, only a donate box for upkeep of the domain name (which I think is
less than $20 a year)
Gina Ravens
is as we have seen a pretend psychologist who wrote an article about George
Rolph on behalf of Welfare News Service. She also claims to be a writer. The
wannabe prime minister who pushes porn on her twitter account. The women who as
a man abandoned 4 children and left them fatherless so he could follow his own
desires. Yet who seems to think they are responsible enough to be a public
figurehead and run the country.
Hazel Quinn,
who recorded a song with another unknown man back in the days of black and
white TV. Is she hoping for a come back?.
Preece, who writes the editors blog. We don't know much about him so
far. Is he a real person even? Then we have Adam McVeigh, Helen Sims
and Jenny Howarth who are they?
We know that
Scar Sugarplum was Bernadette Del Aguila so they could be anyone. Perhaps the
organisation should be more open.
One more
thing, about Bernadette, as we saw she also has a daughter (maybe fictitious) called
Sophie Lines. The only Sophie Lines that I came across so far that might fit
the bill was from Emerald Group Publishing.
Is that why
you continue to ask for public input? It's the basis for your
publications. You mainly just share other peoples work. Time will tell.
Regardless of
how much I have got right and wrong, the facts about Bernadette and Gina are
all proven. You should be hearing alarm bells if you haven't already.
P.s. It would
be fair not to comment on Lizzie today as she loves a mention. I actually think
Lizzie is one of those who has reacted to the 'agent provocateurs
Apart from her overbearing stalking tendencies and continual
verbal diarrhea, she is probably an ok lady in a different setting.
Update - More feather ruffling?
ReplyDeleteScar sugarplum has returned.